But first, an homage to Art Wolfe: In a recent Creative Live workshop, Art shared some pictures from a project of his called "Vanish Act" where there's something hidden to for you to find in his pictures. I thought of him and his project when I shot this.... Can you find the hidden treasure?
(click images to see larger versions)
Here's a hint - a burrowing owl that, oddly enough, isn't burrowing!
Be sure to visit Art's web site, you'll be amazed!!!
And now, on to our regularly scheduled progra..... er.... images!
Spent quite a bit of time with the horses, am still working my way through the results and will have them on my flickr site shortly. In the mean time, these were my favorites....
Is this guy flirting with me?!
I like these kind of perspectives
A little artistic license...
Two herds - the Arabians in front never mixed with the rest...
These 2 beautiful Arabians were always in sync.
This guy had one brown eye...
And one blue eye!!
One of the few white patches in his mane.
And Finally:
Next time I go there, there's a black-faced sheep with dreadlocks I'm dying to shoot - and if the fiesty rooster leaves me alone I might just get some good shots of him too!
Hope you enjoy....