I've come to realize 2 passions in my life: a love for animals and photography. Photography came first, and my path since has been a series of "Ah-HA!!" moments that brings me the most joy.
I love to shoot animals! And yes, that includes us primates too...
My evolution as a photographer was slow in the film days, and in 2003 I discovered that the instant feedback of the digital age was just what I needed. I entered the digital age with a Canon 20D and fell back in love with photography.
In 2007 I discovered Cesar Milan's "Dog Whisperer" and became fascinated with animal behavior and training concepts. I began studying dog training, dog psychology and behavior, and interning with trainers. I'm constantly learning everything I can about these fascinating creatures.
I now volunteer as Trainer/Behaviorist at a local shelter/sanctuary and continue to expand my knowledge of dogs, cats, horses, etc. as opportunities arise. The more I learn, the more fascinated I become!
This even comes in handy, on occasion, when shooting primates as well!