Coming up with titles is always fun!
Working on my computer this morning, friend calls to tell me there's an eagle sitting on some branches of a dead tree less than a mile from my house. Scramble to put my long lens on the camera body, rush the dogs into the truck and run over there. Sure enough, it hung around and waited for me!
So, he's looking around, watching a bird on a branch below him and the traffic flying by. Didn't seem to pay me any attention at first.
When he looked up his eye lit up and glowed. Hard to see here unfortunately - my longest lens doesn't reach that far, and I wasn't going to get any closer.
Didn't matter,
wasn't long before he noticed me and decided he'd had enough. As soon as he stretched his wings I knew he was taking off...
I was in such a hurry I didn't set my camera to track and hold focus on him in flight. he flew right at me, then banked south. I caught him just as he launched, and got a lot of great profiles shots as he flew off. None of them in focus.... (sigh)
Hope you enjoy...
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