An Organic experiment

(Thankfully blog editing doesn't include my iPhone's auto-correct feature!)

The experiment revolves around some interesting leaves I found in the back yard during a doggie potty run. I won't give you much in the way of setup, but am asking you to look, react, and send me your impressions.

I tried a couple new ideas, and out of all the shots I selected 5 images to play with. Some images I really like, the others intrique me but also bother me. I won't taint your review by saying anything else.

I could use the help of getting your reactions to these images. No response is wrong - you don't have to be an art critic or photographer to reply. I'd actually prefer a laymen's point of view. If an image bugs you and you don't know why, that's good enough response - just let me know which images you like and which ones bug you. However, if you have an idea of what does bother you, or can articulate what you'd like to see changed, I would appreciate that feedback too!

Here we go:

Image #1

Image #2

Image #3

Image #4

Image #5

Thanks in advance for helping me with this!



KitKat said...

I like #4 and #1 the best. I don't prefer 2 or 5, though being able to see the different color on the leaves is interesting. 3 is also interesting to look at and I like it. But I prefer 4 and 1 the most. Actually, those two are the ones that I keep going back to look at.

Hope that helps! :)

Anonymous said...

Love that you can see the veins so well in #4, I like # 1 because it makes me want to look at it and am a little distracted by the grid in the background of #3

Anonymous said...

I like #1 and #4. When I first saw them they reminded me of other things.

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