These images are part of a project I'm working on, and aren't intended for their adoption site profiles. I won't tell you about the project, but I would be curious about your reaction to these images.
You can view the entire on my Flickr site, but here's a few of my favorites:
Ramble, a long time resident at Denkai, has my heart most of all |
A bundle of pure fun, loving energy |
Just met these 2, they were a little shy but enjoyed a scratch through the fence. |
This little thing has more energy than I was ready for - she scrambled out of my arms before I could stop her! |
If you're in the Ft. Collins/Greeley area, go check out the Denkai Animal Sanctuary out on highway 392. I'd bet a beer you'll fall in love with a dog, a cat, a few of them or (if you're like me) every single one of them.
Hope you enjoyed...
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