Reaching for the Heavens

Earlier today Journey and I visited Pet Camp Boarding kennels in Golden. My friend Ann McDonald runs her dog training/rehabilitation business out of that facility, and she's going to watch Journey while I'm visiting family next week.

Great visit, Journey remembered Ann and did well (well, there was the stick thing, and a torn pant leg thing, but hey!). Nothing picture worthy, but as we climbed into the truck to head back home, I caught sight of 5 large birds swooping in.

This first image is a 50% crop...

Not sure what these guys are, but they were out on the hunt for small game, snakes and such. While I scrambled to mount my longest lens, their search pattern took them directly overhead. By the time I got out of the car they were drifting away to the south and west.

They never came back closer, and stayed separated enough that I never caught them all in one frame.However, as they moved west toward the approaching clouds and swooped around in their search patterns they created an interesting effect: their body angles made it look like I was up in the clouds with them...

Hope you enjoy...


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