Oh Snap! Shelter Dogs

If you've been following me for very long you know my two passions are photography and dogs.  Over the last few years I've spent time helping out Denkai Animal Sanctuary, and on my last visit I took along my Canon 5D with the 50mm f/1.2 lens.  As usual, I fell in love with everyone and wanted to take them all home with me.  I can't, but maybe some of you can.

These images are part of a project I'm working on, and aren't intended for their adoption site profiles.  I won't tell you about the project, but I would be curious about your reaction to these images.

You can view the entire on my Flickr site, but here's a few of my favorites:

Ramble, a long time resident at Denkai, has my heart most of all

A bundle of pure fun, loving energy

Just met these 2, they were a little shy but
enjoyed a scratch through the fence.

This little thing has more energy than I was ready for -
she scrambled out of my arms before I could stop her!

If you're in the Ft. Collins/Greeley area, go check out the Denkai Animal Sanctuary out on highway 392.  I'd bet a beer you'll fall in love with a dog, a cat, a few of them or (if you're like me) every single one of them.

Hope you enjoyed...


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