My Puddies my Puddies my Puddies!!!

My wonderful, lovely Pack buddies are back with me!

It's been so awesome having them back with me, and I'm back to shooting my favorite subjects as my medical issues ease up.  The following images are what I call practice, as I didn't bother to clean up the background or anything.  The light in the room was really great, and I wanted to get some more practice at extremely narrow depth of field, so I pulled out my 50mm F/1.2 lens and got down on the ground with them to play.

Needless to say, it took a couple Vicodin tablets to recover afterwards.  So, just say hi and try not to be too disappointed in the actual photography...  (grin!)

Your bone?  Yeah, right!
Think you're close enough dere Butch?
I remember this ball!
Can't a guy have a little privacy?

Hope you enjoy...

Oh Snap! It's all about energy

I know, it's been awhile since I've posted to my blog.  I've been dealing with some medical issues that have kept me inactive lately.  I have, however managed to get out with my camera recently, and have captured a few things you might find interesting.

Those new to my blog aren't aware that I have 2 passions: photography and animals, especially dogs.  For the last few years I've been studying dog behavior and dog training.  And one of the first things you learn is that in the dog world, size isn't as important as energy.  You've probably heard about "alpha" dogs, but have you ever seen anything like this???

Hey, I'm talking to you - you need a reminder who's in charge?!

When I say "JUMP!", you say...

How High?!

Angle to the sun wasn't the best, nonetheless the relationship between these three is interesting.  Three???  Whatever are you talking about John?  Oh, you didn't notice the other little one rolling on her back in the first shot?  The entire time I was hanging out shooting these guys, she was just a happy little girl, relaxing and watching the 2 drama queens...

Gotta love energy!

Hope you enjoyed...