Just love them Eagles...

This morning's walk took us back out to Windsor lake, and we had an interesting sky. Everything to the west was clear without a single cloud, while looking east was filled with light-to-dark cloud cover. I wasn't expecting much of anything but brought my camera along, just in case - and guess what?!

The eagles were back - the adult and the youngster. And this time they hung around instead of flying off before I could get close enough. The dogs and I hung out by their tree for a good 20 minutes and they never moved.

They pretty much ignored us while we hung around and made little clicking noises with the camera (what other word would you use for the noise the shutter makes? Clunk??).

Is it just me, or is the youngster on top bigger than the adult? I'm told it's a youngster cause it hasn't gotten it's white feathers yet... I'm not a bird expert, just love to shoot them (no Virginia, I only use a camera).

Ever see an eagle yawn? This guy (gal?) rolled his head like we roll our eyes while it yawned. Was cool to watch, and I love this shot cause it seems like he's actually talking.

The first set of images I captured was a bit dull due to the clouds behind me. But as they moved eastward, the sun popped out and the sky behind the birds suddenly turned a deep blue and the yellow leaves started to really pop! I was watching through my viewfinder when it happened - way cool thing to watch!

Back to the birds: the entire time we were there, these guys did just what you see - nothing (sigh). Well, the adult left while my back was turned the first time we started to leave. The youngster stayed there, and stayed there and so on and more staying. I finally gave up on him leaving so we finished our walk around the lake. As I loaded the dogs into the truck I took one last look and he was still just hanging out on that same branch.

OH there is one set of shots I chose not to share: at one point I thought the youngster was about to fly away so I started shooting. Unfortunately, he was just taking a dump.Didn't think you'd want to see that... ... but I'll happily post the best of the lot if enough people want to see it! Anybody? Anybody?  Bueller???

As we left, I glanced to the south and found the symmetry of this last shot quite interesting...

Hope you enjoy...


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