Water Critters

Back to Windsor Lake for our morning walk, we can always count on a variety of critters that hang out on the water. Beautiful day, animated behaviors, and a little of my sense of humor just made my morning...

It's "Caption Day"!!!!!

Hey, lookit me - I'm a Crane, I'm A CRANE!!

Hey, I'm Speedy - Check out that wake, baby!!!

Gear up, flaps down, More power, MORE POWER!!!

PSSST!! Hey, how's my neck?? Feels stiff...

IOk, I got nuthin...
it's a, well, it's a guy in a boat... ...
Yep, nuttin

Hey - you with the camera!!
NanananaNananana, NanananaNananana - BATMAN!!!!
Huh?! Yeah, Right?! Right?!?!


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